Today I thought I would share the feedback form I (USUALLY!!) send to schools after I have visited. (When I remember.) It serves as a good reminder to me of how the visit went, who I met, ect., as well as giving me feedback about what worked, what didn't, etc.
Plus, it serves as one more little reminder to the folks who hired me so maybe they'll remember my name and recommend me to their colleagues.
I hashed around with this form among my author friends, one of whom has been a statistician in a former life. She suggested I only supply 4 choices (good to bad) since a selection of 1 to 5 allows the reviewer to lazily make a non-committal selection of "3." If there are only 4 choices, they've got to make a firm decision of whether you were better or worse than average. Much more useful information than a 3 out of 5 would supply.
Also in the discussion with authors & librarians, the consensus was that I should only ask about 5 questions, so as not to make too much work for these busy people. Sound advice. And in keeping with the "don't-make-them-work" theme, I also include an SASE with the feedback form. So far, I've received them back every time and most with lots of "4s," I'm happy to say!
Anyway, here's what the form says. Feel free to borrow this and tweak for your own needs...
Name & Title ________________
School Name _________________
Please circle your answers on a scale of 1 (not much) to 4 (yes, very much)
1. Did she hold her audience's interest?
1 2 3 4
2. Was there enough audience participation?
1 2 3 4
3. Was there enough humor in the presentation?
1 2 3 4
4. Did the "props" and/or audio-visuals add to the presentation?
1 2 3 4
5. Would you recommend this speaker to your peers?
1 2 3 4
Please add any further comments, below.
(Here I include 4 long lines for them to write on)
May I use your quote and name on promotional materials? ___________
Thank you so much for your feedback!
Kim Norman
PS -- No, that's not my house and mailbox in the photo. Just an old farmhouse I enjoy photographing occasionally during my morning walks.
Hey Kim!
Just sorted through the blog maze... picked this one to link to!
I've got you mentioned on my humble little piece of the web and feel like I am waiting for Christmas to come on Tuesday!
This visiting author thing can be addictive... (do 2 authors constitute a "streak"?)
See you soon!
Hi Mel!
Hey, thanks for the mention on your blog -- which is great, by the way. I love how it slides over the artwork. Now that you've seen my author feedback form, I guess I'd better remember to send it to you, huh? LOL!
After Tuesday, you can claim you're not only on a visiting author streak, you're on a FAH-BULOUS visiting author streak. (wink!)
Kim- you win!! Go here:
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