Monday, November 21, 2011

Wheee! Piggy galleys!

Lovely surprise in the mail today: "F&G" (folded & gathered) galleys of my upcoming book, I KNOW A WEE PIGGY, illustrated by the hilariously clever Henry Cole. Here's the eye-catching cover. Ain't it perty? Look for it in June of 2012. It's dedicated to my dear friends, Doris and Atwil Gwaltney, and our beautiful town of Smithfield, Virginia, "The Ham Capital of the World."

Dial Books for Young Readers, a division of Penguin Young Readers Group, published by The Penguin Group. Pictures and cover copyright © 2012 by Henry Cole.

And here's the layout for the dust jacket:

When I do school visits, I tell the kids that one of the most important things a writer needs is patience. This book definitely took that, but holding these gorgeous, colorful galleys, it was worth the wait!

Kim Norman

Thursday, November 03, 2011


Mike (Tevye) Willard and I (Golde) with the talented Dempsey girls, the two elder of whom are playing our two youngest daughters in Fiddler on the Roof at Smithfield Little Theatre. (I know, that's a little confusing!) Such a talented and fun cast. I'm really glad I did it -- and still 3 more weekends to go!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Last year's Free Book special was so popular that I've decided to run another special for the 2011-2012 school year:
Any school that hires me for a 3/4 or full day author visit will receive a complete set of my hardback books for the library. If the school happens to be located in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, I'll even extend that offer for a HALF day visit!

See more about the offer on my website:

Kim Norman

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dear Jim, how we miss him!

Clearing out a room in my house, I came across a box of theater memorabilia -- photos and newspaper clippings. Here's a nice old clipping from the 80s featuring our dear Jim Hurst with Monica Crusner, an exchange student who lent us her talents during her stay. Many of us have reconnected with Monica -- thank you, FaceBook! -- who still looks this great NOW.

Remember those Peppermint Patties, Monica? We remember you fondly. We all miss dear Jim every time he cheerfully tells us to "silence your cell phones and beepers."
